You got fired from your job at the "Parks and Recreation" department. In a fit of rage, you took your ex-employer's vehicle and wreck havoc on all the parks in the city.
Standing in your way are the city's air drone guards. Destroy as many public park property as you can before those pests get to you.
You might not be employed at "Parks and Recreation" anymore, so let this be your chance to "redecorate" the city's parks for one last time.
Anda dipecat dari pekerjaan Anda di "Taman dan Rekreasi" departemen. Dalam cocok kemarahan, Anda mengambil mantan majikan Anda kendaraan dan kecelakaan malapetaka pada semua taman di kota.
Berdiri di jalan penjaga drone udara kota. Menghancurkan sebanyak properti taman umum seperti yang Anda dapat sebelum hama sampai ke Anda.
Anda mungkin tidak dipekerjakan di "Taman dan Rekreasi" lagi, jadi biarkan ini menjadi kesempatan Anda untuk "mendekorasi ulang" taman kota untuk terakhir kalinya.